Master P • 14 April, 2024
» Updated 2 months ago

Man viciously beats wife, removes her four teeth because of this


Reports from Edo state in Nigeria has shown that there is a Nigerian man from who lives in Ekewan trade fair at Ogbebuay. He mercilessly did beat his wife over infidelity that led to the woman loosing four of her teeth.

According to the report, the man was arranging to move his entire  family from Benin to Canada. Hence, the Embassy requested DNA test to prove that the children are actually his. The trouble started when the result of the test was said to have revealed that all the three (3) children his wife claimed to have born for him are not his biological children. Wahala.

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This made the man to returned and he demanded explanation from his wife; as she couldn't quickly say anything convincing to the man, he pounced on her and beat her black and blue.

And the friends of the wife started circulating the battered pictures of the woman on social media with the caption, "See how a man beat his wife and removed her 4 teeth!" But they didn't include the reason for the beating.

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